Mama Knows Nutrition: The Podcast
I dunno about you, but no one gave me the parenting manual I DESPERATELY need. This podcast is for all the parents who want real answers to questions like, “why the F won’t my three-year-old eat dinner,” and “can they survive on goldfish crackers alone?” I also bring on guests to learn from and connect with on all the things we go through as parents, so none of us has to feel alone. I’m Kacie Barnes, Registered Dietitian, mom of two, and creator of the popular kids nutrition Instagram account, @mamaknowsnutrition. You can always count on me to keep it real, non-judgmental, and to never take myself too seriously!
71 episodes
72: Mama Knows Nutrition Podcast Announcement
I am pausing the Mama Knows Nutrition podcast. We have recorded so many podcasts with amazing guests and heart-to-hearts giving you all of the insight. I love creating content, it brings me great joy. This pause is allowing me to shift my fo...
Season 2

71: My kids like foods I don’t – is it bad to eat something different than them?
I LOVE this question, because I can answer this question for you from a registered dietitian’s perspective to ease your concerns. Spoiler: you don’t always have to eat the same things as your kids. I’ll talk about what that can look like and...
Season 2

69: Postpartum core and pelvic floor - is it too late to fix? [ft. Ashley of Get Mom Strong]
Whether you’re new to postpartum life or you’re years into your postpartum journey, it’s not too late for you to feel better. In this episode, Ashley Nowe of Get Mom Strong shares her personal journey and gives advice to help new moms find t...
Season 2

68: Balancing Fitness with Mom Life [ft. Hannah (Hall) Bower]
Hannah Hall, known on social media as Hannah Bower, is a mom of two, wife, and owner of Twenty2Nutrition. I had so much fun talking to Hannah about the benefits of exercise and nutrition, and in her words, why exercise makes her a “better hu...
Season 2

67: Feel Prepared and Comfortable with Pregnancy and Labor [Ft. Liesel Teen of Mommy Labor Nurse]
Liesel Teen, founder of Mommy Labor Nurse, loves birth and loves helping people…she’s just the best. Listen to our conversation to gain confidence as you prepare for baby, and feel OK about the weird/unexpected things that can happen in labo...
Season 2

66: Causes of Picky Eating
Most parents of picky eaters that I work with have something in common - they blame themselves, at least in part, for their kid’s eating. But what if a lot of the causes of picky eating are actually not in your control? Listen to this episod...
Season 2

65: Pretzels and Cheerios: Are they healthy or not?
There’s a good chance your kid is eating pretzels and Cheerios quite often…but are they healthy? I am NOT one to make you afraid of what you feed your kids so before you even listen I don’t want you to freak out about this! Listen in to find...
Season 2

64: A real perspective on motherhood [Ft. Kristen Cook]
Kristen Cook describes herself as a plus size mom creator, speaking facts about the hectic lovable chaos of raising kids, dealing with body issues and anxiety, and just overall big sister vibes for all the ladies stumbling trying to make sen...
Season 2

63: Formula Feeding vs. Breastfeeding [Ft. @theformulamom]
If you’re pregnant or have a baby at home, you don’t want to miss this episode! Mallory Whitmore of @theformulamom joins me to discuss formula feeding. We chat about the breastmilk vs formula divide and she educates us on common myths and co...
Season 2

62: How a new food product goes from dream to Whole Foods shelves [Ft. Ali Bonar]
Have you ever wondered how new food products actually get into stores when they’re not made by a big corporation? Ali Bonar, CEO and co-founder of Oat Haus, talks about the hurdles she’s overcome to leave her previous career behind and start...
Season 2

61: Staying Positive When Parenting Alone
How do you do it all alone? I chat with Lauren “Lola” Garcia from @whatlolalikes about trying to do it all when you are the primary or only parent at home, and why she found it crucial to ask for help. We talk about what that help can actual...
Season 2

60: A diabetes diagnosis…what it really means.
There are so many misconceptions about Diabetes, like you just get it if you eat a lot of sugar, or you can’t eat any carbs if you have Diabetes. I talked to Mary Ellen Phipps, who is a Registered Dietitian, mom, and has been living with Typ...
Season 2
59: New food on their plate and they freak?
If you feel like you can’t even attempt to put a new food on your picky eater’s plate because you know they’re going to be upset, you have to listen to this episode. This topic was a listener request and it’s something I hear often from pick...
Season 1

58: Grandparents won’t feed your kids how you want?
It can be so frustrating when what feels like a simple request is completely ignored! If you’re feeling stuck with grandma or grandpa going overboard on treats when they’re watching your kids, listen to this episode for what you can do to handl...
Season 1

57: When you and your partner disagree on parenting choices [feat. Dr. Cassidy Freitas]
It can feel like you get stuck when you and your partner or co-parent have different approaches or beliefs, especially when it comes to feeding your kids. Dr. Cassidy is a therapist who specializes in marriage and family therapy, and in this...
Season 1

56: What to do when your toddler stops eating meat (and you want them to!)
It’s so frustrating when your little one drops foods they used to love! And for some of you, like me and my oldest kiddo, they drop A LOT of foods in the toddler stage. This episode gives you practical tips on how you can get them eating mea...
Season 1

55: [Special episode!] Must-Know Tips for Moving to a New House
Personal update…we moved to a new house! Since it has absolutely consumed my life for several weeks, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share the tips that saved my sanity and the things I’d absolutely repeat if we had to move again. This...
Season 1

54: Must-Know Tips for Toddler Choking Prevention
Learn what to avoid to reduce the risk of choking for your toddler from Brandon Doersken, co-founder and CPR instructor of Thrive Training Institute. Brandon is also a dad of 3 so he understands how hard it is to keep your eyes on them at al...
Season 1

53: Should You Use a Kids Snack Drawer?
Should you have a snack drawer for your young kids and should they be able to access snacks freely on their own? Pantry and cabinet organization is awesome, and the idea of your kids not bothering you every time...
Season 1

52: Debunking Food Myths That Have Gone Viral on Social Media [feat. the Food Science Babe]
Have you ever wondered the truth about additives in your food (what are they? Are they safe?), whether certain cooking oils are inflammatory and possibly toxic, or if your kids will be harmed by eating non-organic produce?
Season 1

51: Simplify & Streamline Your Time in the Kitchen [feat. Kate Strickler @naptimekitchen]
This week I picked the brain of Kate Strickler from Nap Time Kitchen, mom of 4 and cooking lover. She and I have bonded over working smarter not harder, and finding joy in...
Season 1

50: “No one dreads mealtimes anymore!” [feat. picky eater parents Sarah & Ryan]
If you have a picky eater and ever wondered, “is there any future in which I don’t feel like I’m failing at mealtimes? Will I ever be free from stressing over everything they refuse to eat?”Sarah and Ryan, parents of...
Season 1

49: As a mom, is therapy right for me? [feat. Ashurina Ream of Psyched Mommy]
Becoming a parent changes you. Your day to day life looks COMPLETELY different than before, and the demands on your time are unparalleled. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking that you don’t feel like yourself, things feel too hard, or you...
Season 1

48: Toddler weight: what does it all mean? [feat. Dr. Mona Amin]
Growth charts from the pediatrician may leave you with some questions or concerns, so I talked with pediatrician Dr. Mona Amin from @pedsdoctalk all about toddler weight and what you actually need to know about their percentile.
Season 1

47: How to know if your baby has food allergies (& what to do!) [feat. Meghan McMillin, RDN, IBCLC @the.lactation.dietitian]
Food allergies scared the poop out of me when I was a first time mom with a baby, and it’s one of those things that the more you know about it, the less afraid you will be, and honestly it’ll be less likely your baby develops severe food all...
Season 1